About Us

/About Us

About Us

The collateral management company is headquartered in Dubai –UAE, popular for a wide range of collateral services. The company is extending professional services in the global market through various associates across the world.

The Organization structure is spearheaded by one chairman of the group who is a Chief Executive Officer of the Company, assisted by regional managers from all the regions the company stepping its feet.

Under the regional managers, the company is working with professional field inspectors who have been approved and accredited to conduct inspections on quality and quantity surveys for different commodities surveillance and superintendence.

Collateral Management Services

Our collateral management services transform commodities into valid collateral for accessing credit and create a medium for producers to create immediate liquidity post-harvest, without resorting to distress sales.

Warehouse Receipt Financing

By using warehouse receipt financing, producers can access working capital at a relatively low cost, unlocking the value of the commodities they produce.

Our Partners

Many financial institutions partner with us to offer loans against warehouse receipts issued by us. The result is lower-cost structured financing that is more viable for commodity owners as it aligns repayment schedules to the actual usage of stock.

Scientific Commodity Testing

Our scientific commodity testing, certification, storage, preservation, and monitoring services unlock and secure the real value of the commodity as a lendable asset.